Robert Forehand
/Game Designer
/bit blaster
Bit Blaster began as a personal Game Jam to see if I could complete a working game in one day. I chose to make a game inspired by classic top down shooters and retro arcade games like Space Invaders and MIssile Command.
I liked the basic work done, but decided to put in some more work on it in December of last year, adding an additional enemy type, cleaning up the menus and game functionality, and improving some of the visuals, especially the background.
Around May of 2013, I further improved the visuals, and added a few small tweaks.
In the future, I will return again to complete more work on the game, right now all the audio is from free sources, while the art is mostly primitives put into empty game objects. I want to add online leaderboards and release it on Kongregate.